Well after much deliberation i have decided at least for the interim to return to Cape town, i was feeling extremely unsettled in England and i think just missing my family. After being away for almost a year i felt like i wanted to relax in a home environment and reflect on the year gone by and decide on my next adventure, although i fear it maybe a job!
The weather in Cape Town is lovely and warm and has been up to 32 degrees this week. Flowers are blooming, lots of lovely birds around, guinea fowl in the garden and even a little buck living in the bush across the road so its all happening here in Kleinmond!
After a great week in the mother city meeting up with the special people in my life its back to Kleinies!
See more pics here: http://picasaweb.google.com/sbramhall/WhatsHappeningInCapeTown#
Click here to see that i have truly been accepted in Canada! http://www.asportingphenomenon.com/index.php?rfname=Sue&rlname=Bramhall+&remail=antoine.fortuin@gmail.com&sfname=Kym&slname=Illman&semail=thenewsteam@messagesonhold.com.au&suburb=Vancouver