What a day! Unbeknowns to me, 30000 people visit the Statue of Liberty daily, i think on this day, 300000 people were visiting. So firstly we had to go through security before getting on the boat then squashed on the boat like sardines, we made our over to the SOL! Its fantastic i have to say but smaller than i had imagined. You then queue to get off the boat and then another queue to go through yet another security check before

you are allowed into the actual statue building. Before you even go through security you have to queue to put your bag in a locker, man i was all queued out! It was worth it in the end though and we totally enjoyed it!
Of course we then had to queue to get back on the boat, which then stops at Ellis island - but we couldnt bear to stand in another queue, so we gave it a miss. Back on land we walked through Battery Park where there is a memorial to 9/11, this globe used to stand in the Twin Towers and you can see how it got damaged on the fatal day.

From Battery park we walked up to see the Wall street or Charging bull and then onto Wall Street. Wall street and Trinity church are really interesting and it was nice to see the New York stock exchange.
Our next stop was the 9/11 World trade centre site which at the moment its really just a building site where a new tower is underway called the Freedom tower.

Just next to the building site is the firestation which is closed and hosts a wall of memory to the fireman lost in 9/11. Being here and thinking back to that fateful day really brings it home, its sad no doubt!
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