Monday, July 6, 2009

Skookumchuck! in Egmont, Vancouver - Canada

I cant imagine what this word conjures up in peoples minds, but its a great word! Its a native indian word and means "strong water"!

The Skookumchuck Narrows, is a name for an area based in Egmont, British Columbia which is about 3 hours from Vancouver and can only be reached by ferry.

This area experiences tidewater forced through the Skookumchuck Narrows and forms the Sechelt rapids. The difference in water levels between one side of the rapids and the other can exceed two metres in height. It happens at certain times of the day, so you have to plan the 50 minute hike through the forest to get there on time. Even kayakers brave these waters on good rapid days. Great fun in a lovely area!

The water rushing into the narrows at a rate of knots!

Walking in the forest!

Egmont itself is a small village with one store and post office and most importantly a pub with free wifi!!! The entire area is gorgous, loads of lakes, tall trees and snow capped mountains.
A view looking over the cottage onto the lake and a fishing boat chugging past.

More views from the cottage looking over the lake....

A view looking over to the cottage

Ah yes the village totem pole!


Mahmood Syed Faheem said...

Hi! Your blog is very nice. The photographs are very beautiful. Wish you all the best. God is Great.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!