Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Seattle - Downtown

Seattle is a lovely city with that fantastic skyline, you will probably remember from Frasier. The city has a great feel, like things are happening and they are. Loads of stuff started here Amazon.com, Starbucks, Boeing, Microsoft as mentioned in my previous post these are just a few!
The people are friendly and americans are very polite and again loads of stuff you see in the movies is around., the steep streets, yellow taxi's, tons of coffee shops, Starbucks everywhere. Hostess twinkies, remember those from Archie magazines, can you believe kids are still reading those.

Macys - reknown upmarket retail store

Famous Victoria's Secret, very similar to Temptations back home just bigger!

Pikes public market, authentic, no made in china stuff!
Starbucks started in Seattle, this was the very first Starbucks coffee shop!! Just for the recored "The Seattle Coffee Co", did not orginate in Seattle but is a South African company.

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